Andes Website : Climbing, Skiing, Trekking and Guidebooks in South America

PayPal Payment of Deposit

You can use the buttons below to pay a trip deposit of £500 (or £1000 for two people) using your credit or debit card or PayPal account. Use the uro or US$ buttons if you prefer to use one of  those currencies. We will then make up your invoice in the currency of your choice.

The buttons take you to the secure PayPal website where you can use your credit or debit card there. You do not need to sign up to PayPal to do this. We get a payment confirmation by email directly from PayPal, and will contact you with confirmation. Please note that it may take one or two working days for us to get back to you... we work out in the mountains here in Scotland as well, and are not always online.

If you wish to pay a final balance by PayPal please request this by email. We will then send you an invoice through PayPal, but we will have to add up to 5% to the total to cover their charges. We prefer final payments by cheque or bank transfer and this will likely be more economical for you as well.

WARNING:   This deposit payment to us is not refundable. Before paying please read our booking procedures page to be sure that this trip is suitable for you and to be sure that you understand our booking conditions. We advise you to have travel insurance in place as soon as possible after booking in case you need to cancel your place on the expedition.

Choose one or two people

Choose one or two people

Choose one or two people


Don't forget to post or email us your booking form, and tell us which expedition you have booked onto. People really do forget this!. You can print our PDF booking form here. Post this to John Biggar, Andes, 93 Queen Street, Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbrightshire, DG7 1EH, SCOTLAND. Or sign it, scan it and return it by email.

Please send us an email if you have any trouble or concerns about using PayPal.

You can also make a deposit payment to us by posting a cheque to the above address (made payable to John Biggar), or by bank transfer, please email us to request our bank details.